Friday, 16 January 2015

Someone is in danger........Help!

                                                           Child Labour

Child labour has become a serious problem in India.Many children are forced to work at a very small age but the work given to them is very difficult according to their age.This can also be defined as the children who work under the age of 15 years.

Many children can be seen working at a construction site,at restaurants,in factories as well as at peoples' homes cleaning their utensils and washing their clothes.
These days many poor families are forced to send their children to work due to poverty and in order to get some food.Some children also work in order to give the fee of their school.They are forced to work themselves because their parents' salary alone is not enough to pay for the school fee.

There is a big need to fight against child labour.It is growing rapidly in our country and needs to be abolished before it's too late.It's the responsibility of every citizen of our country to report the police if a small child is seen working at factories etc. 

I can only raise my voice,u can bring it in force.  

Friday, 9 January 2015

What a beauty!

                             Beautiful Sceneries

This is a beautiful scenery of a mountain.The moon is shiny and bright.All would like to see this in real life too.It gives us pleasure with its beauty and brings a smile on our face.

These are some more beautiful creations of God :
                                   A beautiful waterfall

Trees in full blossom

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Hello, Santa here?

                                              Hello,Santa here?

Those who do not believe in Santa should also not believe in fairies . Only what they see is acceptable to them.In this universe, man is a mere insect and the world around him is boundless.

Yes, there is a Santa Claus.Your father might occupy some men to keep a watch on all the chimneys and catch the Santa Claus on the Christmas Eve.But if they don't see him, it is believed that no such thing exists.Man believes that what he hasn't seen doesn't exist.

Santa exists until love, generosity and devotion exist. Without Santa,this world would be a dull place to live in.The most real things in the world are those which are seen neither by men or children. 

Thank God Santa exists and lives forever.He will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. 


My words for 2015

Hi to all my blog readers and best wishes to all of you for a fruitful year.This is my first post and I am really excited.I hope you find my blog interesting and enjoy reading it.

Let's go!

                                  My words for 2015

1.Struggle- This is the most important and necessary step towards success.If you try to skip this step, you might lose all you have today. 

2.Focus- One needs to focus to reach success.This is a thing that most of the successful people believe in. 
Without focus things go wrong that leads to a bad result. 

3.Patience- This is one of the things that today's generation doesn't have.Acc. to the saying "The fruit of patience is always sweet.

These are some of my thoughts I wanted to share.Hope you enjoyed reading.